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Your spotlight on local services

Bereavement Cafe - Halton


Recharge and Restore received funding from Community Foundation for Merseyside to run a Bereavement Cafe addressing loss, isolation, separation and anything else that arises.

This pilot project begins on Tuesday 6 September at Community Shop, near Shopping City, and the second session is on Tuesday 20 September at Community Cabin, Halton Haven. They will run 2 sessions a month at these 2 venues.

They're not offering counselling but will create a safe and welcoming space for you to meet others, share your experiences and hopefully go away feeling better than when you came. There is no need to book - you can just come along. They'll have tea and biscuits and space for you. Come, share if you wish, be heard or just be.

Community Shop Halton Priory House, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2FS

Tuesday 6th September  10am-12pm

Tuesday 4th October     10am-12pm

Community Cabin, Halton Haven Barnfield Avenue, Murdishaw, WA7 6EP

Tuesday 20th September 10am-12pm

Tuesday 18th October 10am-12pm



If you do have any questions please see the flyer for Eileen's contact details.





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